Para los que gusten de leer los desvaríos de un hijo de la noche

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Of essays that had to be written...

Bonsoir, mes chês lecteurs, comment ça va? Here's a little essay I had to write. I hope you enjoy it.


Conformismo forzado

O porqué se nos hace creer que es bueno renunciar a nuestra identidad personal

¿Quién no se ha visto obligado a conformarse cuando menos una vez en su vida? El requerimiento de indumentaria de esta particular ocasión es un claro ejemplo de ello. La justificación detrás de dicho requerimiento es que constituye una preparación para un futuro profesional, porque, como dice el vox populi, “Como te ven, te tratan”. Tristemente eso es cierto, lo cual no significa que sea correcto.

Antes de proseguir, un breve antecedente.

La conformidad es el proceso a través del cual las actitudes, opiniones y comportamientos de un individuo son influenciados por otras personas. Esto puede ser el resultado de influencias sutiles o incluso inconscientes, o de presión social.

Sin embargo, el conformismo por si mismo no necesariamente es negativo. A final de cuentas, cuando al manejar, uno se detiene ante la luz roja, esta llevando a cabo un acto de conformismo, que en este caso particular, es benéfico tanto para el individuo, como para la sociedad. Basta con imaginar lo que resultaría si todos los residentes del Distrito Federal y áreas conurbadas se decidieran a ignorar los semáforos para apreciar el valor de un acto así.

¿Pero que pasa cuando esa conformidad no solo es una imposición, sino que no beneficia ni al individuo, ni a la sociedad? Eso priva a la conformidad de cualquier tinte positivo que pueda tener, convirtiéndola en un medio de opresión. En otras palabras, la conformación voluntaria no es algo nocivo, finalmente todos nos conformamos de una manera u otra, por una plétora de razones; pero la imposición de una conformidad daña la individualidad de una persona.

Cabe notar que la conformidad forzada puede pasar de ser algo incómodo a algo abiertamente dañino. Varias veces a lo largo de la historia se podido observar ese efecto. De hecho, es una herramienta favorita de los regimenes totalitarios. Cómo olvidar a la GESTAPO de Alemania y los miles de prisioneros políticos que desaparecieron bajo la directiva Nacht und Nebel y todas las minorías que intentaron hacer desaparecer por la fuerza, la KGB de la URSS y su constante supresión de “ideas heterodoxas” y la persecución de disidentes o incluso las acciones que tomo Estados Unidos a través de la CIA contra cualquier ciudadano del cual sospecharan nexos con el comunismo. Un par de pasos atrás en la historia nos presentan a la Santa Inquisición, creada por la iglesia para convertir o destruir a cualquier hereje que osara no conformarse con ellos. En todos estos casos, ese conformismo hizo mal a los que lo siguieron ciegamente, viendo en el una solución única, y peor a los que trataron de no seguirlo.

No puedo evitar preguntar: ¿Porque? ¿A qué propósito sirve esa imposición? ¿Control? Tal vez una persona desindividualizada sea mas manejable. ¿Intolerancia? Es posible también que al creer en la superioridad de las opiniones y costumbres, una persona, y posteriormente un grupo se sienta obligado a hacer que otros sigan esas costumbres, bajo la creencia de que eso es bueno para el sujeto de tal acción. O tal vez no. De cualquier manera, cuando se exacerba esa conformidad, se llega no solo a la pérdida de la individualidad, sino al fomento del pensamiento colectivo, y la perdida de la razón individual, junto con el discernimiento y el criterio que se requieren para la toma de decisiones conscientes.

La conformidad puede llegar a ser benéfica, si, siempre y cuando ocurra no como una imposición, ni como obediencia ciega, sino como una decisión tomada conscientemente, sabiendo lo que se hace.

En realidad, una imposición sobre algo que es intrínsicamente individual devalúa a la persona, volviéndolo uno más, como si hubiera salido de una fábrica, producido en serie.

Esa individualidad, más que suprimida, debería ser celebrada. Es lo que hace que tengamos un valor como individuos más allá de nuestra utilidad para la sociedad en la que vivimos, lo que hace que seamos más que piezas en una maquina. El individuo, por tanto, debería ser juzgado no por su apariencia, ni por su “normalidad”, sino por sus talentos, sus conocimientos, y su calidad humana.

Por desgracia, eso no es la norma, y parece que la norma actual prevalecerá por mucho tiempo. Es por eso que uno como individuo, dentro del conformismo del que pueda ser parte, debe valorar su individualidad, y en la medida de lo posible expresarla.

Rêves doux

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Economic havoc

Bonsoir, mes chês lecteurs. How have you been? Me, I've been through the gauntlet two or three times, but came out with no more than scrapes and bruises. And speaking of gauntlets, world's economy seems to be going to hezmana lately, and it's taking mine with it. What's next? Alien invasion? A killer quake?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh, no, you shall not see me fall yet!

After what has easily been one of the worst seasons in my existence, I come to you my dear readers, and say this to  you.

This world shall not see me go down yet. I'm not done with this life, and I'm not done with you. I still stand, tall and proud as I should.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Of obsession with fiction and the reason behind it

I have been musing, as I often do, on the topic of people's obsession with religious fiction. Whenever you ask a feligious fanatic/fundamentalist and even more moderate believers to prove some part of their faith, the answer is often the same: "Because the bible/Al-Qur’ān/talmud says so and it is the inerrant word of allah/jehovah/god/etc". They take their preferred bit of fiction as fact whithout a moment of doubt in its veracity. Now consider for a moment how these people would react to someone publishing a book with the premise of the world being created by the Q continuum. I'm sure they would see it as pure fiction and nothing more. Why is it then that they don't see their respective holy books as the fiction they are? The reason that comes more easily to mind is indoctrination. I have mentioned before that I find the idea of religious "education" of children as a truly contemptible one, as it is forcing one's beliefs over someone else, worse even, someone else incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction and taking the dogma he or she is being fed, as truth. Furthermore, in the case of the bible (and I'm almost sure it applies to other holy books as well), the belief of its inerrancy is so deeply ingrained that those indoctrinated doublethink their way out of its obvious contradictions. The fact that dogma can supress reason in such a manner is utterly apalling. Not to mention the sheer power of indoctrination (Take a look at Richard Dawkins' Root of all Evil p.2 for a wider view on that one). The point here being the disservice religious education does to humanity in general, converting people into absolute irrationality. That's why I think that religious education should be illegal, just like drinking or smoking, for minors.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Come on, Eureka too?

So, I've been watching this fairly recent series named Eureka, about a town filled with the greatest scientific minds of the US, all in all a rather interesting series for a science and sci-fi nut like me. Season one and everything's lovely, season two and all's well until episode ten. Why, because the writers were utterly incapable of envisioning a town without a damned church, even if the town is filled with the greatest of American geniuses. Oh, and to top things off, the churchgoing was pretty slim until things strarted to go biblical-awry and then the bloody church is filled to capacity. Well done, sci-fi channel, thank you for reinforcing the stereotype of the false atheist, ready to turn believer at the flick of a match. The sad thing is that it has been a good series so far. Hopefully, they won't further wreck with it more religious nonsense.

Rêves doux.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Of theocrat hierarchs and their opinions

Bonsoir, mes chês lecteurs, comment allez vous? Today I bring you this. Apparently the pope not only dislikes the existence of other religions in the world, he criticizes "Secularist ideology", which according to him, denies any kind of "trascendent truth". I'm quite sure that his view of in ideal world is a global theocracy, ruled by none other than himself, who knows, maybe bring the inquisition back, for old times sake. It is fortunate that he is the head of state of a really tiny country, though it is unfortunate that so many people heed his ill-concieved words.
And on the note of ill-conceived words, have you heard of the 7 new capital sins? I find it most paradoxical (not to mention hypocritical) that they had the audacity to put among those "sins" one about becoming obscenely rich at the expense of others, since the Catholic church has been doing it for more than a thousand years, and continues to do so today.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Of government-assisted religious transgression

Bonsoir, mes chês lecteurs, aujourd'hui je suis furieux. Je suis furieux parce que le gouvernement de mon pays a décidé d'offrir quatre-vingt-dix Millions de Pesos (MXN) a l'eglise catholique. Quatre-vingt-dix millions! It is truly outrageous. This particular transgression comes from the state of Jalisco (which is notorious for the borderline and not-so-borderline religious fanaticism of most of its inhabitants). I'm sure you can understand my anger at this event. Oh, and to top things off, the ninety million are to be used to build a monument to catholic martyrs of the Cristero war, when their so called "martyrs" were the ones who started the war and committed the atrocities during the conflict (Further reading here). Mexico is by law a secular nation, and this is an open violation of said law (pdf). As it has come to be expected, the governor of Jalisco is a member of the National Action Party (PAN). The church constantly violates the Law of Religious Associations and Public Cult, one of the more recent incidents being their attempt to coerce congresspeople into not legalizing abortion here in the city by threatening them with excommunication (I'm sure that only scared the people from PAN).

Para cerrar, los que vivan en México y sean seres racionales, y los que no vivan en México y tengan un lugar especial en su corazón para este pais nuestro, no se queden callados ante este abuso. Ese dinero es de todos los contribuyentes y no es correcto que lo desperdicien, mucho menos regalándoselo a una asociación religiosa (notando particularmente que esta asociación, la iglesia católica, no necesita ese dinero para un monumento, porque estoy seguro que el retrete del papa cuesta mas que eso). Que sepa el ciudadano gobernador Emilio Gonzalez que no importa que maquille el asunto como que le está dando dinero a una Asociación Civil, no engaña a nadie.

If anyone requires a tranlation of anything I wrote, feel free to ask for it.

Rêves Doux, chês lecteurs.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Of secularity and belief

Bonsoir mes chês lecteurs! Every country seems to have a party that favors the participation of religion in politics, or at least the creation of laws that enforce religious "values". In the US it's the Republican Party, here in Mexico it's the National Action Party (hereafter referred to as PAN). The PAN originally was a center party that was ready to favor either left or right policies, if those were to favor the country and its people, but it became a highly conservative, right-wing, "christian democratic" party (I cringe whenever I hear christian and democracy together). PAN has opposed same-sex civil unions, legalization of abortion, day-after pills (One member of the party went so far as to call them "weapons of mass destruction"). Fortunately, Mexico, with all its wrongs and flaws, has very strict Church-State separation laws. One example of this in action was seen during the campaign of Vicente Fox Quesada (President, 2000, 2006) when he used the standard of the Virgin of Guadalupe as a symbol of run for presidency. His effort was quickly stopped and he was given a fine of about 2'000 dollars (a mere slap in the wrist, but a powerful message none the less). Still, the battle is far from over. Catholic priests and bishops have the bad habit of meddling in politics (Exempli Gratia: The church threatening to excommunicate politicians who voted in favor of legalizing abortion here in MX City), particularly the big bad wolf Norberto Rivera.

Fortunately for us atheists, we are not even remotely as hated or discriminated here as in the US, so hopefully we'll one day have an atheist president.

The current president is a member of PAN. Luckily enough he is kept from being too harmful because PAN does not have majority in congress. Some of the less rational of their policies in states governed by PAN are forbidding the use of miniskirts by public employees and outlawing the use of profanity in public marketplaces (Guadalajara and Queretaro).

The sad truth is there is not a "Best Choice" in politics here, rather a less harmful one. Oh well, I'm sure you all know how that feels.

Rêves Doux

Friday, March 28, 2008

Of atheism and blogrolling

Bonsoir, mes chês lecteurs. Comment ça va? As you may see to your right, I joined the atheist blogroll, grouping blogs with a common theme and/or recurring topic: Atheism (Yeah, overdramatic, and that much was obvious by the name). So, do take a look at the various blogs in the roll, I'm certain you will find many things of interest!

Rêves Doux!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

De salvajismo e intolerancia

Como pocas veces, me he sentido indignado con una noticia reciente. Es ya del conocimiento público el incidente que transcurrió en la Plaza de Armas de Querétaro, asi que no hay necesidad de elaborar sobre el tema. Mas información aquí, aquí y acá.

Estas personas decidieron agredir a los emos por ser diferentes. No muy distinto de, digamos, la inquisición española. Les pareció qe los emos no tienen lugar, por su forma de pensar y vestirse, en Querétaro y decidieron atacarlos. ¿Porqué diablos tienen que caer en eso? ¿Qué demonios importa si se ven feos o chillan mucho? Los emos tienen todo el derecho del mundo de ser emos, tanto como yo tengo de ser gótico, y tanto como los imbéciles que los atacaron tienen de ser unos abyectos imbéciles. Pero de lo que no tienen derecho es de agredir a otros por sus diferencias. ¿Cómo carajos pueden hablar de respeto a la plaza cuando ellos no supieron respetar la diversidad que ahí había? No es muy grande la distancia entre un acto de agresión coordinada como este y un odio generalizado que por lo general acaba con la muerte de mas de uno. Ningún ser humano que se llame racional puede aceptar un acto barbárico como este.

Además, basta con leer algunos de los sitios anti-emo para darse cuenta, no solo de la escasa educación de quienes los sostienen, sino del tono de odio insensato que manejan. Esa clase de odio ya lo he visto, en grupos Anti-semitas, Anti-ateos, Homofóbicos...

Para recibir respeto hay que darlo. Esas personas, a las que agredieron, son seres humanos y merecen el mismo respeto que todos los demas, independientemente de sus gustos personales.

Otras opiniones en Firenation y en el blog de Gh0stface.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Of religion and morality (or lack thereof)

Bonsoir, mes chês lecteurs! Comment ça va. I read an inspiring piece of news and decided to comment on it (link is further down), enjoy.

I've read time and again of christians labeling us atheists as immoral, citing the supposed need for religion in order to be a good citizen (which is utter bollocks, mind you). Funny how they abstain from commenting on one of their own endorsing acts which are widely seen not only as immoral, but also as atrocious. In case you are expecting an example, I have one right here:

Bush vetoed a law that would prohibit waterboarding interrogation in the CIA.

Now, you may be asking yourselves, what the bloody hell is waterboarding?

Wikipedia defines waterboarding as follows:

Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing a person on their back with the head inclined downward (the Trendelenburg position), and pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages. Through forced suffocation and inhalation of water, the subject experiences the process of drowning and is made to believe that death is imminent. In contrast to merely submerging the head face-forward, waterboarding almost immediately elicits the gag reflex. Although waterboarding does not always cause lasting physical damage, it carries the risks of extreme pain, damage to the lungs, brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation, injuries (including broken bones) due to struggling against restraints, and even death. The psychological effects on victims of waterboarding can last for years after the procedure.

You can read the complete Wikipedia entry here.

Just so you know, waterboarding was a technique used by the Spanish inquisition.

So, Bush wants the CIA to keep on performing "Autos de Fe" on suspected terrorists, how lovingly benevolent and humane of him...

Now, president Bush is a devout christian, he himself has stated that. Furthermore, he even stated that he, as a christian, did not believe atheists could be good citizens. Yet he wants to keep the CIA torturing people as they see fit. That says quite a bit about christian morality, don't you think, mes chers lecteurs?

Rêves doux.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Of failed concerts, weapon injuries and overall good days.

So, mes chês lecteurs, I've been gone for a while, but I'm back and posting.

If you are wondering about the title, it refers to the Mandragora's Fest, which was a mini-treffen attempt here in Mexico City. The concept was nice, and the event itself was not so bad. There were many medieval attractions (I actually hurt my hand with and arrow, a huge splinter stuck in my finger whilst I was shooting it) quite a few gothic and medieval stands and good fun. Joculatore Domini deserves a special mention, as they not only knew their instruments but also had the charisma to make quite a great show. Oh, there was also an "Arabian House", with bellydancers and hukkas (water smoking-pipes). Overall it was a nice day. I got my rear end handed over to me by my dear lady in sword combat, but took my revenge in what we call cotton swab combat (The combatants are placed with little space to move or maneuver armed with staffs that have big stuffy ends. They must then attempt to knock the other opponent off his or her place).

But it was far from perfect. It was unorganized, and the stands were scattered all over the place like an mp3 on a FAT32 partition. And it was not a small place, mind you. Security at the entrance was adamant about removing any metal spikes, and everyone complied only to find out that they were selling spikes, swords, maces and daggers inside.

And then things took a turn for the worst.

The local bands played, and after that there was an hour long wait before Clan of Xymox climbed on the stage.

So, Xymox, plays and everyone is hopping happy, until the manager of Atrocity asked them not to go through the whole repertoire because they had a plane to catch at 6 am (it was about 1 am at this point). Xymox tells him to go to hell, he pulls their plug. Then As it was Atrocity and Leave's Eyes turn to perform, the generator went out and stayed out for quite a while. When it came back, the surge disabled Atrocity's equipment and they couldn't play. They tried to save the situation by singing acapella, but the crowd was somewhat aggressive and they got insulted off the stage. After that, they told us that To/Die/For would be playing later. We went to a nearby bonfire and heard some people play the flute and enjoyed ourselves for a while before leaving. We'd been standing or walking for almost 12 hours straight, plus it was freezing out there, so we didn't stay to see the last two bands. It was a shame that the concert was not so good due to the lack of proper organization, but all in all it was a good event, hope they learn from their mistakes and make a better one next year.

Rêves Doux

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Ever seen one of those little bibles in a hotel room?

They're place there by this group called "The Gideons".

Their chosen name is taken from a biblical character who supposedly was sycophantically obedient to "God" (and heard his commands directly). Among his great feats were destroying the altars of other religions.

So, these Gideons are a christian organization dedicated to spreading their belief all over the world, incluiding Mexico (I'll go into more detail of their operations here in my next post).

Now, they claim they used the Gideon story because

"Gideon was a man who was willing to do exactly what God wanted him to do, regardless of his own judgment as to the plans or results. Humility, faith, and obedience were his great elements of character. This is the standard that The Gideons International is trying to establish in all its members, each man to be ready to do God's will at any time, at any place, and in any way that the Holy Spirit leads."

Of course, since there is no direct connection to this "God" other than the pastors or the bible, they're pretty much looking for someone that will do anything as long as they cite the name "God" along with those orders.

I took the liberty of going through their FAQ and found these two quite outstanding (comments in yellow):

Is The Gideons International a denomination or a church?

No. The Gideons are an association that works with Protestant/evangelical churches. Our members come from many denominations, live all over the world, and share a desire to see the lost come to Christ.

To be read as: "a desire to impose our nonsensical beliefs over the whole damn world". They also happen to consider as "lost" anyone who doesn't share said belief. According to them no non-christian can be truly happy and successful in life. I'm quite certain I'm an example of the opposite, and I know quite a few others that fit into that description too.

What do Gideons believe?

The Gideons International is a diverse association in that our members come from many Protestant denominations with a common interest in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. All Gideons also hold certain core beliefs:

  • The Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.

This point should should be unsurprising, coming from the people who believe themselves to be at the center of the universe. Also, this "inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God" is self contradictory (take the gospels of Luke and Matthew as an example) and written by human beings. I wonder If part of evangelizing a "lost" person is teaching them to doublethink* their way around things like those.

  • The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God.

And they devote themselves to follow the alleged teachings of someone who lived two thousand years ago, and believed himself to be the son of god. Medicine has long identified this particular type of psychosis. Its called schizophrenia, with some delusions of grandeur.

Members must also:

  • Have received Jesus as their personal Savior.
  • Endeavor to follow Him in their daily lives.
  • Be members in good standing in their Protestant/evangelical churches.
  • Have the recommendation of their pastors.

Apparently, these Gideons will not stop until they have managed to convert every last person on the world to christianity. While not quite as bloody as a jihad, the principle behind it is the same. the misguided belief that their belief is unequivocally superior, without proof to sustain such an assumption.

I will follow this post with more about the Gideons activities.

Rêves Doux

*Doublethink is the act of simultaneously and fervently holding two mutually contradictory beliefs. it was used in the novel 1984 by George Orwell

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Of bringing order to chaos

So, after a while and some effort I managed to turn this storeroom I've been living in into some decent living quarters. It took long but it was worth it!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Random musings

It had previously occurred to me that a human usually is defined by its genes, its upbringing and its environment. Most of our traits have been developed through aeons of evolution and adaptation.

So the big question is, how much of me, as an example for the sake of argument, is a product of genetics and environment, and how much is "me"?

Furthermore, it can be argued that most of me is me, with some contribution from genetics and environment, but it can also be argued that reality is in fact, the other way around.

This, of course, does not intend to be a determinist statement. While our decisions may be influenced by genetics and environment, all decisions we make are ultimately ours. My question is aimed not to expose an impairment to free will, but to understand how personality as a whole is constituted, and how that free will of ours is used. Unfortunately, no one has a precise  answer to this question.


It stands to reason that, as genetic and cerebral knowledge increases, this question of mine may one day see an answer, but meanwhile, I'm hoping to spark a debate, if you're interested.

If you wish to discuss it, I will be online at the chat to your right tomorrow night (27-01-08, 11:00PM -6GMT).

Also, I would appreciate suggestions on post subjects, all comments welcome!

Rêves doux!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Of wind and the city

Bonsoir, mes chers lecteurs, comment ça va?

We had  a very windy day here in MX City, I understand a good portion of the city is still without power (with me not being in that portion, fortunately). There were lots of leaves, some branches and ads scattered around everywhere. Even a few trees were knocked off.

I just love windy days!

Rêves Doux

Coming up this year!

So, yeah, I know it's a bit late for this kind of post, but hell, these are good things to expect!

Fallout 3. We've been waiting for this damned game for ten years. also, we had to suffer one half-good game and and abject misuse of the franchise name (Fallout Brotherhood of Steel for the Xbox).

Starcraft 2. Another decade of waiting, blizzard finally decided to publish the sequel.

Star Trek Online. A star trek MMORPG! Need I say more? It's a dream come true!

A new Star Trek movie. About the exploits of a young captain Kirk and company in their academy days, YAY!

Soul Calibur IV. The newest of the series. I'm impossibly bad at fighting games and therefore, I don't like them, but SoulCalibur has long been the exception. Can't wait to see what they can do with the newer hardware. Also, Yoda and Vader will be appearing! Who would have thought?


Rêves Doux

One pernicious mental illness

It is my impression that religious belief has a lot of similarities with schizophrenia or other mental ailments. In particular, fanatical belief, as is demonstrated by this lovely piece of news. So, this idiot sees what he believes to be the mark of the devil in his hand, and proceeds to lop it off himself because the bible tells him so...

So let's analyse this shall we?

Wikipedia defines schizophrenia as follows:

Schizophrenia, from the Greek roots schizein (σχίζειν, "to split") and phrēn, phren- (φρήν, φρεν-, "mind"), is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental illness characterized by impairments in the perception or expression of reality, most commonly manifesting as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions or disorganized speech and thinking in the context of significant social or occupational dysfunction.

Now let us compare it with religious belief:

Auditory hallucinations: The most devout believers claim to hear their deity of choice.

Paranoid or bizarre delusions: Many believers claim they are under the watchful gaze of an all mighty but improbable god who will banish them to some fictitional hell if they do not behave according to some self contradicting book written millenia ago.

Therefore, their perception of reality is highly impaired. I wonder why that has not yet been classified as a mental illness...

Rêves Doux

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Reporting live...

Bonsoir, mes ches lecteurs! I was checking the Rational Response Squad website (I'll post about them soon) and I came across this social site called Stickam. Now, I don't care much for social networking sites, but this one has a particularly interesting function which you can now see on the right side of this blog of mine. It allows me to appear live for you every now and then. I intend to do this often, mostly around midnight -6 GMT. If you care to come visit, you are welcome to do so. See you around!

Reves Doux

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Requiem for a Chessmaster

Bobby Fischer, 1972 World Chess Champion at age 29, died in Reykjavik on January 17, 2007

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sobre fanáticos ignorantes

Una anécdota del blog de Ryksz (No es para tanto, chequen los links) me llevó a recordar un par de encuentros con una fanática ignorante.

Para darle contexto al asunto, tengan en cuenta que es la clase de fanática ignorante que se avienta un viaje semanal a la basílica de la ciudad. Dicho eso, procedamos.

En una ocasión me dama estaba con ella en la cocina, observando con curiosidad cómo preparaba el pastel de atún. La persona en cuestión, antes de meter el atún al horno lo persinó. Si, leyeron bien, persinó el atún. No solo eso, sino que tambien dijo con una ufanía sorprendente: "El diablo está en todas partes". Mi novia respondío, con un sarcasmo que esta persona fue incapaz de percibir, "Si, hasta en el atún".

Ahora viene la buena.

Una vez me preguntó que si estaba yo bautizado, a lo cual yo respondí que si, pero no por elección propia y que ese hecho me molesta. Ella me dijo que es el deber de TODO EL MUNDO bautizar a sus niños (si, de los ateos, musulmanes, budistas, hindúes, wiccas, etc. también) y que las personas que no son bautizadas son como animalitos sin dueño. Al encontrar yo tan ofensivo ese estúpido comentario, le informé que lo que decía no era cierto, que nadie tene la obligacion de hacer eso, y le trate de mostrar como ejemplo los grupos arriba mencionados, y si, como se imaginan me dijo que no importaba, que todos tienen esa obligación y que yo no sabía de lo que hablaba.

Lo más triste es que hay mucha mas gente como ella.

Dulces Sueños

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Like a phoenix

Without the need to burn to the ground, of course. What I mean is renewal, and as some of you may notice, this blog of mine has undergone some of it. Hope you like it!

Of my quarters requiring rearrangement and other problems.

So, dear readers, I have been away from you again, but I will try not to.  What can I say. Nothing quite big happening around here aside from two spectacular failures an a need for me to rearrange my room to maximize useful space, but there is only so much you can do in a somewhat cluttered room. Also I may bite my pride a bit and get a regular job, seeing how clients appear to be absent and I therefore am low on economic resources. Inevitably there will be a few flights of fancy that will result in crash-landings of reality. Oh well, one must march on to the future, whatever that may be.

Rêves Doux.