Para los que gusten de leer los desvaríos de un hijo de la noche

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Like a phoenix

Without the need to burn to the ground, of course. What I mean is renewal, and as some of you may notice, this blog of mine has undergone some of it. Hope you like it!

Of my quarters requiring rearrangement and other problems.

So, dear readers, I have been away from you again, but I will try not to.  What can I say. Nothing quite big happening around here aside from two spectacular failures an a need for me to rearrange my room to maximize useful space, but there is only so much you can do in a somewhat cluttered room. Also I may bite my pride a bit and get a regular job, seeing how clients appear to be absent and I therefore am low on economic resources. Inevitably there will be a few flights of fancy that will result in crash-landings of reality. Oh well, one must march on to the future, whatever that may be.

Rêves Doux.