Para los que gusten de leer los desvaríos de un hijo de la noche

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

News from beyond...

The atmosphere, that is. Bonsoir mes ches lecteurs! How are you today?

For a change, today I bring you, not rant or controversy, but some nice news. I assume you know about the International Space Station, a collective multinational effort at having a human foothold in orbit.

This is it.


Today they installed a new module in the ISS, a research module, I believe. here are the pictures of the installation:




Beautiful, is it not?

Oh, mes ches lecteurs! I wish I could be up there! Oh well, all in good time, maybe I will.

Further news here.

Alas, mes ches lecteurs, it is time for me to fall, but fret not, I shall rise again tomorrow. Rêves doux, rêves d'espace, particulièrement!

Au revoir.


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