Para los que gusten de leer los desvaríos de un hijo de la noche
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Of bringing order to chaos
So, after a while and some effort I managed to turn this storeroom I've been living in into some decent living quarters. It took long but it was worth it!
What, no more nuclear wasteland?
Nope, it took a while but this is finally looking like a room instead of a storeroom with someone sleeping in it
so you're in de-tox uh?
Entonces te has desecho de todos los tecnodesecho?
o están acomodados a una suerte de tetris? =P
Bueno al menos así no morirás por estar encerrado y sepultado por un derrumbe de tecnología
ok, ok, no es tecnodesecho, es tecnología descontinuada y funcional en estado de reposo indefinido :P
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